
Special Reports and Publications

Explore Audubon Alaska's science-based research and special reports.
Bald Eagle, Tongass National Forest. Photo: Carey Case / USFS

Special Reports and Publications

Explore Audubon Alaska's science-based research and special reports.


Arctic Terrestrial (North Slope and Arctic Refuge)

Bird Conservation and Important Bird Areas


  • Conservation Significance of Large Inventoried Roadless Areas on the Tongass National Forest. (December 2019) Using the best available data to calculate indicators of habitat conditions for five important species and forest systems, this report shows the conservation significance of large inventoried roadless areas across the Tongass National Forest.
  • Ecological Atlas of Southeast Alaska(September 2016) In the Ecological Atlas, we have built upon the information in our previous Tongass publications. We improved datasets such as forest vegetation, anadromous fish distribution, salt marsh estuaries, and Important Bird Areas. We included new information, such as projected climate change, mammal and bird viewing hotspots, metals mining, and infrastructure. (This link is to an online publication; visit our Tongass page for high-resolution files to download)
  • Conserving Old-Growth Ecosystems in the Tongass National Forest. (2010) Learn about Alaska's temperate rainforest and Audubon Alaska's conservation strategy to protect important places.

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