Press Releases

Audubon Releases Migration Study Done in the Chilkat Valley on Jilkáat Aani
Press Releases

Audubon Releases Migration Study Done in the Chilkat Valley on Jilkáat Aani

— A new analysis done by the National Audubon Society Science Division demonstrates how the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve Important Bird Area is a major migration passage.
Audubon Hails Administration Move to Strengthen Protections for 13 Million Acres of America’s Arctic
Press Releases

Audubon Hails Administration Move to Strengthen Protections for 13 Million Acres of America’s Arctic

— New rule protects so-called “Special Areas” for wildlife and cultural resources.
Audubon Celebrates Three Big Conservation and Climate Actions for America’s Arctic
Press Releases

Audubon Celebrates Three Big Conservation and Climate Actions for America’s Arctic

— The Biden administration has announced a suite of constructive actions that would strengthen conservation protections and help address climate change in America’s fragile Arctic.
American Golden-Plovers Have Been Tagged to Follow Southbound Migration
Press Releases

American Golden-Plovers Have Been Tagged to Follow Southbound Migration

— Multiple conservation organizations partner to launch Tullik’s Odyssey: The American Golden-Plover Southbound Migration Project and track eight birds from Alaska to Argentina to highlight the importance of migratory bird habitat.
The Southeast Alaska Birding Trail Is Now a Mobile Application
Press Releases

The Southeast Alaska Birding Trail Is Now a Mobile Application

— Launched at the Yakutat Tern Festival by Audubon Alaska GIS Analyst Tory Elmore, the app offers maps, site details and directions, species checklists, and nearly 200 birding sites across 18 communities in Southeast Alaska.
Audubon Alaska Celebrates World Migratory Bird Day with Artist Max Romey
Press Releases

Migratory Birds of Alaska

— Anchorage artist Max Romey raises awareness about Alaska's importance for over 5 billion migratory birds
Ninth Circuit Court Ruling in Favor of Road through Izembek Refuge
Press Releases

Ninth Circuit Court Ruling in Favor of Road through Izembek Refuge

— Threatens Birds, Wildlife, and Public Lands Laws
Biden Administration Acknowledges Legal Problems with Interior’s Ambler Road Approval
Press Releases

Biden Administration Acknowledges Legal Problems with Interior’s Ambler Road Approval

— Filing asks to leave permits in place while revisiting subsistence and cultural analysis

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