Hyder, AK
Hyder, AK. Photo: Michael Gerth

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Hyder is a great spot for rarities as the furthest east community in Alaska and the furthest south community accessible from the road system in Southeast Alaska. If you’re working on an Alaska-specific list don’t miss the opportunity to add some new species, including the Black Swift, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Magnolia Warbler, Veery, Ruffed Grouse, American Crow, Warbling Vireo, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Pacific-slope Flycatcher, Cassin’s Vireo, Western Tanager, Common Yellowthroat, Chipping Sparrow, and American Redstart.

This community of fewer than 100 people is adjacent to Stewart, British Columbia, and surrounded by the Tongass National Forest. A 41-mile detour off the Cassiar Highway at Meziadin Lake Junction (on Highway 37A) brings you to the neighboring towns of Stewart and Hyder at the head of the Portland Canal. You can also access Hyder by wheeled plane into the Stewart airport or floatplane into Hyder. Hyder depends on Stewart for most of its services and even has a 205 area code, consistent with their Canadian neighbors. Be sure to bring your passport. While there is no U.S. checkpoint entering Hyder, there is a Canadian checkpoint for those leaving. Lodging is very limited and seasonal so plan ahead. Additional resources are available in neighboring Stewart. Traveling to Hyder in June before the bulk of visitors arrive seeking bear viewing opportunities later in the summer is a good strategy with more lodging options.

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General Area Overview and Information Sources:

Birding and Wildlife Resources:

Sites in Hyder

Birding Photo: Ben Sullender

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