Welcome to Audubon Alaska

Helping to conserve the spectacular natural ecosystems of Alaska for people, birds, and wildlife since 1977.

American Robin Photo: Lorraine Minns/Audubon Photography Awards

On The Wire
On The Wire

On The Wire

Follow along for solutions-based, Alaska-focused bird and conservation news.

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Southeast Alaska Birding Trail
Southeast Alaska Birding Trail

Southeast Alaska Birding Trail

Southeast Alaska is a fantastic place to go birding. Explore the area using this virtual trail as your guide.

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The Importance of the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve IBA to Migratory Birds
On The Wire

The Importance of the Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve IBA to Migratory Birds

One small study area in Southeast Alaska shocked the Audubon Science Division: The Chilkat Valley is a major migration passage for many Alaska birds.

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Time to Fly: Alaska’s Bird Festival Season Is Here!
On The Wire

Time to Fly: Alaska’s Bird Festival Season Is Here!

Here’s how Alaska’s annual birding events honor culture and art, benefit tourism and local economies, highlight conservation issues, and truly celebrate birds.

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The Second Crossing and Southeast Alaska’s Mendenhall Wetlands Important Bird Area
On The Wire

The Second Crossing and Southeast Alaska’s Mendenhall Wetlands Important Bird Area

And the case for Salmon Creek, the last option for the Juneau Douglas Second Crossing to be constructed off the Mendenhall Wetlands State Game Refuge.

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Important Bird Areas
Important Bird Areas

Important Bird Areas

Learn about Alaska's most important hotspots for breeding, migrating, and wintering birds.

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Alaska WatchList

Alaska WatchList

Highlighting Declining and Vulnerable Bird Populations

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Audubon Alaska's Ecological Atlases
Audubon Alaska Products

Audubon Alaska's Ecological Atlases

Order your hard copy of one of our ecological atlases.

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Our State's Birds

Recent News

The 2,000-Acre Footprint Myth

The 2,000-Acre Footprint Myth

The truth behind the deceptive figure used to justify drilling in the Arctic Refuge.

Tongass National Forest Threatened by the Congressional Review Act

Tongass National Forest Threatened by the Congressional Review Act

Lawmakers may use the CRA to undo the Tongass Land Management Plan amendment.

Izembek Land Transfer Would Jeopardize Globally Important Bird Habitat

Izembek Land Transfer Would Jeopardize Globally Important Bird Habitat

— The land transfer would lay the groundwork for a road through Izembek.
The Emperor Has No Timber?

The Emperor Has No Timber?

Despite liberal allowances for clearcutting, Southeast Alaska's timber industry may be on its way out.

A Success Story

A Success Story

The Emperor Goose population has rebounded.

Teshekpuk Lake Implicated in Oil Lease Sale Process

Teshekpuk Lake Implicated in Oil Lease Sale Process

BLM puts out a call for oil lease sale nominations in protected areas of the NPRA.

Using Science to Conserve the Arctic

Using Science to Conserve the Arctic

Audubon Alaska released the 'Ecological Atlas of the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort Seas'

Open-pit Mining Threatens Bristol Bay

Open-pit Mining Threatens Bristol Bay

The US EPA is considering allowing Pebble Mine to operate in Bristol Bay.

Trump Administration Takes Next Step to Expand Offshore Drilling

Trump Administration Takes Next Step to Expand Offshore Drilling

The process to re-do the Five Year Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program has begun.

How you can help, right now