About Us

Hannah Gilmer, Outreach and Communications Advocate

Hannah (she/her/hers) helps manage Audubon Alaska's communications and outreach, which include news articles and events.
Woman hugging tree in snow
Hannah Gilmer Photo: Courtesy of

Hannah is from Nashville, Tennessee, and is currently a junior at Middlebury College in Vermont, majoring in Environmental Studies and Religion with a minor in Anthropology. At Middlebury, Hannah has become involved in local Vermont conservation efforts, learning about and fighting logging in the Telephone Gap, one of New England’s oldest forests. She also spends her time at school providing college advising for low-income high school students empowering them to attend colleges where they will thrive. Outside of college, Hannah spends much of her time running. She is planning to run her first marathon in Anchorage this summer! You can also find her hiking, skiing in the winter, listening to music and going to concerts, painting pottery, experimenting with new latte recipes, and playing with her two Australian Shepherds, Frank and Pepe.

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