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News & Updates

Department of the Interior Agrees to Trade Away Vital Bird Habitat

Department of the Interior Agrees to Trade Away Vital Bird Habitat

— The Trump administration is doubling down on its irresponsible management of our nation’s public lands and waters.
Teshekpuk Lake: A Wildlife Safe Haven

Teshekpuk Lake: A Wildlife Safe Haven

A new report highlights Teshekpuk Lake in the Western Arctic - an ecological hotspot of global significance.

New Report Highlights Threatened, World-Class Wildlife in the Western Arctic

New Wildlife Report Highlights Threatened, World-Class Wildlife in the Western Arctic

The Western Arctic is an ecological hotspot of global significance.

New Oil Findings Don’t Change Responsibility to Protect Western Arctic Natural Wonders

New Oil Findings Don’t Change Responsibility to Protect Western Arctic Natural Wonders

— Wildlife values abound both onshore and offshore in the Western Arctic.
What do taxes, health care, and the Arctic Refuge all have in common?

What do taxes, health care, and the Arctic Refuge all have in common?

They all appear in the monster tax reform package that Congress is aiming to pass in early December.

Senator Murkowski Attaches Habitat-Threatening Language to Draft Appropriations Bill

Senator Murkowski Attaches Habitat-Threatening Language to Draft Appropriations Bill

— The budget rider would undo the 2016 Tongass Land Management Plan amendment.
The 2,000-Acre Footprint Myth

The 2,000-Acre Footprint Myth

The truth behind the deceptive figure used to justify drilling in the Arctic Refuge.

Tongass National Forest Threatened by the Congressional Review Act

Tongass National Forest Threatened by the Congressional Review Act

Lawmakers may use the CRA to undo the Tongass Land Management Plan amendment.

Izembek Land Transfer Would Jeopardize Globally Important Bird Habitat

Izembek Land Transfer Would Jeopardize Globally Important Bird Habitat

— The land transfer would lay the groundwork for a road through Izembek.
The Emperor Has No Timber?

The Emperor Has No Timber?

Despite liberal allowances for clearcutting, Southeast Alaska's timber industry may be on its way out.

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