News & Updates

News & Updates

Obama’s Proposed Offshore Drilling Plan Falls Short in Protecting Arctic Ocean

Obama’s Proposed Offshore Drilling Plan Falls Short in Protecting Arctic Ocean

— Parts of Arctic Coast Still Up for Grabs
Historic Vote on Arctic Refuge

Historic Vote on Arctic Refuge Wilderness

— This marks the first time Congress has voted on legislation to designate Wilderness in the Arctic Refuge.
Tongass Management Plan Amendment Moves too Slowly in Ending Old-Growth Logging Says Audubon Alaska

Forest Service amendment moves too slowly out of Tongass old-growth logging

— The Forest Service needs to transition out of old-growth logging within 5 years.
First Oil Development Project in NPRA Follows Balanced Plan

First Oil Development Project in NPRA Follows Balanced Plan

— BLM grants permits for Greater Mooses Tooth 1 project.
Federal Judge Rules to Protect Wilderness in Izembek

Federal Judge Rules to Protect Wilderness in Izembek

— Court Upholds Interior Department's Decision Against Building a Road
Environmental Groups File Lawsuit Challenging Shell Oil’s Risky and Reckless Arctic Drilling Plan

Environmental Groups Challenge Shell Oil’s Risky and Reckless Arctic Drilling Plan

— Agency gave Shell the stamp of approval to drill in fragile Arctic Ocean, despite threats.
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