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News & Updates

Birds to Congress: Protect the Heart of the Arctic Refuge

Birds to Congress: Protect the Heart of the Arctic Refuge

Record number of Senators support bill to permanently protect the coastal plain of the Arctic Refuge as wilderness.

Threats to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge are on the Political Horizon

Threats to the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge are on the Political Horizon

The clearest threat to the Refuge comes in the form of the 2018 congressional budget reconciliation process.

H.J. Res. 69 Seeks to Undo Wildlife Protections

H.J. Res. 69 Seeks to Undo Wildlife Protections

Senators will vote on whether to repeal the US Fish and Wildlife Final Rule, which prevents intensive hunting techniques on National Wildlife Refuges.

‘Tis the Season for the Audubon Christmas Bird Count

'Tis the Season for the Audubon Christmas Bird Count

— Join in an Audubon Christmas Bird Count, the longest running citizen science program!
Long-awaited Record of Decision Issued for Tongass Land Management Plan Amendment

Long-Awaited Tongass Amendment Released

— This amendment to the Tongass management plan takes the first concrete steps to ending old-growth logging.
Arctic and Atlantic Oceans Receive Reprieve from Drilling

Arctic and Atlantic Oceans Receive Reprieve from Drilling

— The new offshore 5-year oil and gas leasing recognizes the importance of the Arctic Ocean.
Greater Mooses Tooth 2 Project Needs Robust Planning Process

Greater Mooses Tooth 2 Project Needs Robust Planning Process

— Audubon Alaska submitted comments on the Greater Mooses Tooth 2 drilling project in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska.
From Salmon to Seabirds: A New Ecological Atlas of Southeast Alaska

Ecological Atlas of Southeast Alaska

— Audubon Alaska's new atlas explores everything from climate change to wildlife and human uses of Southeast.
Audubon Alaska Says Tongass Plan Amendment Falls Short

Tongass Amendment Falls Short

— Forest Service needs to set a time frame to end old-growth logging.
Clearcut old-growth logging slated to continue indefinitely on the troubled Tongass National Forest

Clearcut old-growth logging slated to continue indefinitely on Tongass

— Tongass plan decision scales back but doesn't end old-growth logging

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