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News & Updates

Groups condemn continued attack on Arctic Alaska as BLM releases Record of Decision on Willow Project
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Groups Condemn Continued Attack on Arctic Alaska as BLM Releases Record of Decision on Willow Project

— Todayʼs Record of Decision on the proposed Willow project marks the final step in a review process defined by consistent dismissal of public input and sloppy and rushed approval of ConocoPhillips' sprawling infrastructure plan.
Seismic Oil and Gas Exploration Will Scar the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Press Releases

Seismic Oil and Gas Exploration Will Scar the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

— Proposed seismic testing would damage important habitat for nesting birds and denning polar bear.
Legal Victory in the Tongass National Forest Goes Unchallenged by Department of Justice
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Legal Victory in the Tongass National Forest Goes Unchallenged by Department of Justice

— Voluntary dismissal of appeal keeps Prince of Wales Island protected from logging.
House Introduces Sweeping Legislation to Tackle Climate Change on Our Coasts
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House Introduces Sweeping Legislation to Tackle Climate Change on Our Coasts

— The Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act calls for urgent action on the issues facing our ocean and coasts.
Why we are here

Why We Are Here.

A note from our Executive Director, Natalie Dawson on why we are here and what we can accomplish together.

Keeping Birds Safe in Safety Sound

Keeping Birds Safe in Safety Sound

An Important Birds Area (IBA) for nesting Aleutian Terns, foraging Tundra Swans, and more.

Forest Service Proceeds with Plans to Remove Roadless Protections for Tongass National Forest
Press Releases

Forest Service Proceeds with Plans to Remove Roadless Protections for Tongass National Forest

— Agency ignores importance of old-growth trees for birds, fish, and local communities.
A New Study Shows What It Will Take to Reverse Biodiversity Declines

A New Study Shows What It Will Take to Reverse Biodiversity Declines

Indigenous stewardship of land in Canada, Alaska, and beyond are key to reaching biodiversity goals.

Audubon Takes the Administration to Court to Save America’s Arctic

Audubon Takes the Administration to Court to Save America’s Arctic

With our allies we will bring voices of opposition to protect vital bird habitat and one of our country’s last untouched places from oil and gas drilling.

Lawsuit Fights Administration's Plan to Open 18 Million Acres of Western Arctic to Oil and Gas Drilling
Press Releases

Lawsuit Fights Administration's Plan to Open 18 Million Acres of Western Arctic to Oil and Gas Drilling

Environmental groups head to court to fight energy development plan that will damage pristine wilderness and critical habitat and deepen the climate crisis.

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