
The latest news from the Audubon Alaska office

Red-legged Kittiwake, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Photo: Kathleen Borshanian/Audubon Photography Awards

Current Posts

‘Black Birders Week’ Promotes Diversity and Takes on Racism in the Outdoors

‘Black Birders Week’ Promotes Diversity and Takes on Racism in the Outdoors

Sparked by a racist incident last week in Central Park, the new initiative aims to boost recognition and representation of Black people enjoying and studying the natural world.

Baffling Blackbirds, Whirling Shorebirds, and Elusive Chickadees

Baffling Blackbirds, Whirling Shorebirds, and Elusive Chickadees

Meet the birds of the proposed Ambler Road corridor in Alaska.

Virtual Public Meetings Put the Teshekpuk Lake Wetlands at Risk

Virtual Public Meetings Put the Teshekpuk Lake Wetlands at Risk

Problems with the connectivity, lack of accessibility, and an overall break-down of communication means BLM did not adequately connect with the public on this issue.

A Win for Clean Water, Salmon, and our Nation’s Largest Congregation of Bald Eagles

A Win for Clean Water, Salmon, and our Nation’s Largest Congregation of Bald Eagles

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of clean water in Hawaii, and the impacts extend all the way to the Chilkat Valley in Southeast Alaska.



A reminder we are part of something bigger.

Bird Walks with Susan Culliney

Photos from a bird walk in Anchorage

Join Susan Culliney and her dog Kaimana as they safely explore the area around their home.

We Are Not Alone

We are not alone.

A message from Audubon Alaska's Executive Director Natalie Dawson.

A Win for the Tongass National Forest and a Win for the Rule of Law

A Win for the Tongass National Forest and a Win for the Rule of Law

What a recent court decision means for Alaska and beyond.

The Shifting Winds of Alaska’s Climate Change Politics

The Shifting Winds of Alaska’s Climate Change Politics

Saying goodbye to HR 12.

NEPA Rollback in Alaska

NEPA Rollback in Alaska

Learn why it threatens Alaskans’ “coexistence” for communities and the natural world

How you can help, right now