
The latest news from the Audubon Alaska office

Red-legged Kittiwake, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Photo: Kathleen Borshanian/Audubon Photography Awards

Current Posts

Arctic Refuge Ramble Series: Part Three

Arctic Refuge Ramble Series Part Three: Into the Wilderness

— By Ben Sullender. This is a series of blog posts by Ben Sullender, Spatial Ecologist at Audubon Alaska who shares his experiences from a journey through the Arctic Refuge
Arctic Refuge Ramble: Part Two

Arctic Refuge Ramble Series: Part Two

— By Ben Sullender. This is a series of blog posts by Ben Sullender, Spatial Ecologist at Audubon Alaska who shares his experiences from a journey through the Arctic Refuge
Arctic Refuge Ramble

Arctic Refuge Ramble Series: Part One

— By Ben Sullender. This is a series of blog posts by Ben Sullender, Spatial Ecologist at Audubon Alaska who shares his experiences from a journey through the Arctic Refuge.
What's Your Voting Plan?

Do you have your Voting Plan prepared?

— By Kassandra Smith
Concerns with the Willow oil project

Concerns with the Willow oil project

— By Ben Sullender
Migration-proofing your windows

Migration-proofing your windows

— By Kassandra Smith
Keep Roadless Rule protections for old-growth forests

Keep Roadless Rule protections for old-growth forests

— By Susan Culliney
Audubon: Administration’s Power Plan Wastes Time We Don’t Have

Audubon: Administration’s Power Plan Wastes Time We Don’t Have

— By the National Audubon Society
Keeping Teshekpuk Lake wetlands habitat protected

Keeping Teshekpuk Lake wetlands habitat protected

— By Susan Culliney

How you can help, right now