
The latest news from the Audubon Alaska office

Red-legged Kittiwake, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Photo: Kathleen Borshanian/Audubon Photography Awards

Current Posts

A Curious Land Formation in the Western Arctic

A Curious Land Formation in the Western Arctic

— Explore the Pik Dunes
Prince of Wales Island

Prince of Wales Island

— Where the trees tell an ancient story.
Birds of Bristol Bay: the Tufted Puffin

Birds of Bristol Bay: the Tufted Puffin

— Let's take a closer look at this colorful character.
 A Conversation with Audubon Alaska's Executive Director

A Conversation with Audubon Alaska's Executive Director

— Meet Natalie Dawson.
Taking a Closer Look at the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd: Part Three

Taking a Closer Look at the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd: Part Three - Winter Endurance

— This is a three-part series exploring how expanding oil and gas in Alaska’s Western Arctic could harm the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd.
Village of Nuiqsut challenges BLM's approval of drilling program in Western Arctic

Village of Nuiqsut challenges BLM's approval of drilling program

— Audubon Alaska shares their concerns particularly those related to birds and other wildlife.
Arctic Refuge Ramble Series: Part Five

Arctic Refuge Ramble Series Part Five: The Arctic Coastal Plain

— This is the final post in a series of blog posts by Ben Sullender, Spatial Ecologist at Audubon Alaska. Ben shares his experiences from a journey through the Arctic Refuge.
Arctic Refuge Ramble Series: Part Four

Arctic Refuge Ramble Series Part Four: Across the Arctic Divide

— By Ben Sullender. This is a series of blog posts by Ben Sullender, Spatial Ecologist at Audubon Alaska who shares his experiences from a journey through the Arctic Refuge.
Taking a Closer Look at the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd: Part Two

Taking a Closer Look at the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd: Part Two - Fall migration

— By Susan Culliney. This is a three-part series exploring how expanding oil and gas in Alaska’s Western Arctic could harm the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd.
Taking a Closer Look at the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd: Part One

Taking a Closer Look at the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd: Part One - Spring calving

— By Susan Culliney. This is a three-part series exploring how expanding oil and gas in Alaska’s Western Arctic could harm the Teshekpuk Caribou Herd.

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