Yakutania Point is a rocky outcrop with a spectacular view down the fjord. The trail is easy to moderate, with some rocky or root-filled areas requiring careful footing.
During spring, summer, and fall, look for Barrow’s Goldeneye, Bufflehead, Harlequin Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, Marbled Murrelet, Pigeon Guillemot, Arctic Tern, Spotted Sandpiper, and other shorebirds. Late spring brings huge rafts of thousands of Surf and White-winged Scoters to Taiya Inlet as they stage to fly to nesting grounds in Canada. This is a great spot in winter for waterfowl and gulls.
To reach Yakutania Point, follow State Street toward the bay, going straight instead of turning left for the ferry. The road will curve to the right and then quickly curve to the left. Turn right into the Airport Terminal parking lot. Cross the Skagway River on the pedestrian bridge, turn left, and follow the trail about 0.3 miles to Yakutantia Point.

Birding Resources:
- eBird Hotspot: Yakutania Point trail
Bird Species Checklist:
Other Resources:
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