Nahku Bay Beach
Nahku Bay Beach is an easily accessible location to view shorebirds and waterfowl. Often waterbirds will find refuge from strong winds in Nahku Bay. During the spring, summer, and fall you can expect to see a variety of waterfowl, waterbirds, and shorebirds including Marbled Murrelet, Great Blue Heron, Belted Kingfisher, grebes, loons, and gulls. In the winter, look for Bald Eagle, waterfowl, and gulls.
From Klondike Highway, turn left onto Dyea Road. At approximately 3 miles the road starts to follow the shore of Nahku Bay. At the head of the bay, turn left into a roadside parking area that is a short walk to a public beach.

Birding Resources:
- eBird Hotspot: Nahku (Long) Bay
Bird Species Checklist:
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