Mallard Slough
Mallard Slough is located within the Stikine-LeConte Wilderness and provides excellent views and access to both the Stikine River delta and LeConte Bay. A Forest Service-maintained cabin is available for public use by reservation and provides a great location from which to base your exploration. Note that access to the cabin is highly tidal dependent. The primitive Mallard Slough trail begins behind the cabin and ends at LeConte Bay. The cabin is a popular stopover for kayakers heading to Wrangell from LeConte Bay.
Mallard Slough provides good birding, particularly during the spring and fall migrations of waterfowl and shorebirds. Observations include Dunlin, Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Short-billed Dowitcher, Long-billed Dowitcher, Green-winged Teal, Snow Goose, Greater White-Fronted Goose, Canada Goose, and Sandhill Cranes. A variety of hawks, owls, and Bald Eagles can also be observed. The grasslands and beach fringe include warblers, American Three-toed Woodpecker, Mountain Bluebird, and American Pipit. Other potential wildlife sightings include moose, black and brown bears, and wolves.
Accessible either from Wrangell or Petersburg, Mallard Slough is on the Stikine River Delta between LeConte Bay and the North Arm of the Stikine River. There are two options to access Mallard Slough from Petersburg. One, depart Petersburg by boat or sea kayak and head southeast via Fredrick Sound, or two, drive 31 miles to Blaquiere Point, then with either a jet boat or sea kayak, head north to Mallard Slough. From Wrangell, Mallard Slough is 22 miles to the north. Access to the site requires a high tide. Pay attention to tide tables when planning your trip.

Trail Information:
- The 2.7-mile Mallard Slough Trail from cabin to LeConte Bay has minimal surfacing the first 0.4 miles and none thereafter. From the cabin, the trail goes over a forested ridge to grass flats. The trail is marked by wooden posts across flats to LeConte Bay. Waterproof boots are recommended.
- US Forest Service: Mallard Slough Trail
Birding Resources:
- eBird Hotspot: Tongass NF--Mallard Slough Cabin
Bird Species Checklist:
Other Resources:
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