Channel Islands State Marine Park
The Channel Islands State Marine Park consists of 14 islands in the Lynn Canal and is located approximately 25 miles northwest of downtown Juneau. The area is easily accessed by a small boat from the Amalga Harbor boat launch, Auke Bay, or Juneau, and is a popular area for wildlife viewing, photography, sport fishing, boating, kayaking, and camping.
The islands, including Bird Island and Gull Island, provide habitat for nesting seabirds and are best viewed by boat to minimize disturbance to nesting birds. Any landings by kayaks or skiffs should be done with great caution as it's best to avoid landing on the north end of Portland Island to avoid disturbance to nesting Arctic Terns, Pigeon Guillemots, and Black Oystercatchers. The best viewing is from the water. Birding around the Channel Islands can be accomplished from a charter or tour boat, and also seen from the deck of the Alaska ferry as you approach or depart Juneau. Many of the local whale watch boats go by various islands. Be on the lookout for open-water species here, such as Pelagic Cormorant and Common Murre. Even the occasional jaeger might be seen up Lynn Canal.
The Channel Islands State Marine Park consists of 14 islands in the Lynn Canal and is located approximately 25 miles northwest of downtown Juneau. The area is easily accessed by small boat from the Amalga Harbor boat launch, Auke Bay, or Juneau.

Birding Resources:
- eBird Hotspot: Gull Island (Favorite Channel off Lynn Canal)
- eBird Hotspot: Favorite Channel--Bird Island
- eBird Hotspot: Lynn Canal--Ralston Island
- eBird Hotspot: Lynn Canal--Lincoln Island
- eBird Hotspot: Portland Island (Stephens Passage @ Auke Bay)
Bird Species Checklist:
Other Resources:
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