A beginner’s guide to old-growth forests and how the Biden administration has made historical moves in Southeast Alaska’s temperate rainforest.
A new study reveals Alaska’s climate-sensitive YKD to support 7 million Arctic-breeding shorebirds—including the majority of six North American populations.
Homer hosts a spectacular annual bird festival. Here's a recap of the presentations, workshops, and (in)famous bird-calling contest of the 32nd annual event.
One small study area in Southeast Alaska shocked the Audubon Science Division: The Chilkat Valley is a major migration passage for many Alaska birds.
Today we can officially say that our message was heard loud and clear. The Ambler road is effectively stopped, protecting the Brooks Range for future generations.
The Utukok Uplands are the largest intact grassland ecosystem left in the United States.
Provides vital habitat for several marine mammals and is an important staging and migration area for shorebirds and waterfowl.
A globally significant Important Bird Area, established for having the highest diversity and abundance of birds of any lagoon system in Arctic Alaska.