Disenchantment Bay and Hubbard Glacier
Spectacular views of islands, rugged coastline, and ultimately the Hubbard Glacier make this a trip worth the extra effort. Look for both Marbled and Kittlitz’s murrelet, with the glacier a particularly good area to look for the Kittlitz’s Murrelet. Other typical sightings include a wide variety of sea ducks and other seabirds including Harlequin Duck, Barrow’s Goldeneye, Common, Pacific, Red-throated, and the occasional Yellow-billed loon, scoters, cormorants, and occasionally other pelagic species. The rocky shoreline also might be good for turnstones and other shorebirds.
There is a gull and kittiwake colony on Haenke Island, also known as “Egg Island” as it was a traditional egg gathering location. Areas with foraging flocks of gulls and terns are also likely to include marine mammals such as sea otters, harbor seals, humpback whales, and sea lions.
To reach Disenchantment Bay and the Hubbard Glacier, contact a local charter boat company to arrange transport.

Birding Resources:
- eBird Hotspot: Disenchantment Bay (head of Yakutat Bay)
Bird Species Checklist:
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