Situk Lake is a beautiful lake surrounded by coastal rainforest located within the boundaries of the Russell Fjord Wilderness Area. A trip to Situk Lake can be a day hike or an overnight stay at the Situk Lake Cabin, a Forest Service-managed public-use cabin that can be rented. There is also a canoe at the lake for public use. Those wanting to use the cabin should make reservations in advance. While on the trail, expect passerine bird species like Winter Wren, Wilson’s Warbler, Hermit, and, rarely, Gray-cheeked Thrush.
On the lake, expect Trumpeter Swan, gulls, and various types of waterfowl such as Goldeneye and mergansers. Shorebirds such as Yellowlegs and Spotted and Least Sandpiper are possible. For a longer hike, continue up the trail towards Mountain Lake, with similar species expected and good viewing of spawning salmon along Mountain Stream during late summer into fall. Be aware of bears during any fish runs and follow rules for staying safe in bear country.
To access Situk Lake, drive Forest Highway 10 (Dangerous River Road) 10.4 miles to East Gate Road (FH#9995). Turn left and drive 3.5 miles and turn onto the only road on the left. Drive another 3 miles to the trailhead. From the trailhead to Situk Lake is 3.1 miles on a well-maintained trail.

Birding Resources:
- eBird Hotspot: None
Bird Species List:
Other Resources:
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