
The latest news from the Audubon Alaska office

Red-legged Kittiwake, Pribilof Islands, Alaska. Photo: Kathleen Borshanian/Audubon Photography Awards

Current Posts

“Alaska Wildlife and Wild Lands” Recordings With Dr. John Schoen

“Alaska Wildlife and Wild Lands” Recordings With Dr. John Schoen

Learn about old-growth forests like the Tongass, Arctic Alaska, Alaska’s bears and Pacific Salmon, and how Alaska’s intact ecosystems are being affected by resource development and climate change.

eBird Presentation and Field Trip for Waterfowlers, Birders, and Outdoor Enthusiasts

eBird Presentation and Field Trip for Waterfowlers, Birders, and Outdoor Enthusiasts

Join us in Juneau on April 18 and 19, 2025, for an engaging session on the fantastic community science tool eBird followed by a next-morning field trip!

Sandpipers’ Last Supper

Sandpipers’ Last Supper

The story of a tiny shorebird’s epic journey, powered by an invisible fuel in the mud.

Submit to the 2025 Audubon Photography Awards

Submit to the 2025 Audubon Photography Awards

Calling all Alaska photographers! Our premier bird photography and video contest is accepting entries until March 5, 2025.

A Victory for the Brooks Range

A Victory for the Brooks Range

The provision to advance Alaska’s Ambler Road mining access project has been removed from the National Defense Authorization Act.

Show up for Izembek National Wildlife Refuge on Monday!

Show up for Izembek National Wildlife Refuge on Monday!

A public meeting on the “Potential Land Exchange for a Road Between King Cove and Cold Bay” will be held on December 9 in Anchorage.

A Big Win for the Chilkat Valley

A Big Win for the Chilkat Valley

DOWA, a Japanese smelter company and major funder of the proposed Palmer Mine, has pulled out of the project!

Two Events to Support Taashuyee-Chookan.aani/Mendenhall Wetlands

Two Events to Support Taashuyee-Chookan.aani/Mendenhall Wetlands

Two events are coming up in the Juneau area with information on supporting or learning more about Taashuyee-Chookan.aani, or Mendenhall Wetlands.

A Life of Attending Alaska’s Birds: Celebrating Jim King

A Life of Attending Alaska’s Birds: Celebrating Jim King

A look back on the life of James Gore "Jim" King VI, a famed waterfowl biologist and pilot who was instrumental in the protection of millions of acres of Alaskan bird habitat.

Wildlife Ecologist John Schoen Is Teaching a Class This Fall

Wildlife Ecologist John Schoen Is Teaching a Class This Fall

Dr. Schoen will present an eight-week class entitled “Alaska Wildlife and Wild Lands” through Opportunities for Lifelong Education (OLE) starting October 3, 2024. Here are the details.

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